Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Close shave....

3years and 9months of being together was nearly over yesterday. Guessed that probably woke me up from my dream...a dream where my princess would always be with me forever. I guessed that both of us were tired physically yesterday. It all happened when she told me that she was very tired, and that she had alot of things to carry; her laptop and her bag with a book the width of half the size of a human skull(ear to nose). I guess at that time I was a bit 'blur' as to what she really wanted me to do. I mean, I was at the south of Singapore and she was at the other end...I would definitely love to go to where she is and help her with carrying all the stuffs but I can't possibly to ask her to wait for me to come because it takes like forever for me to come? Haha.
Well I guessed I probably wore the wrong shoes at that time...because in the past when I had my laptop, I used a backpack to carry my laptop and any other stuffs that I needed for school. I thought it might work for her case but well like I said, I wore the wrong 'shoes' (putting yourself in others' shoes...haha?) because I did not thought of the fact that she had back pain problems and anything that was heavy that went over her back would cause her disastrous pain.

Guess I didn't really wear the shoe properly because if I did, the shoe wouldn't fit my foot and I would feel pain. If I had put my feet really into the shoes, I guess I wouldn't have said that.
Well, for those who don't understand what I am trying to say, put it simply I didn't really put myself in her shoes fully, but maybe half..that's why I could suggest such a silly idea and forget about her backpain.
And after I asked her "Why don't you put everything into one bag, then it wouldn't be that difficult to carry." After which she broke out in frustration saying that it would be even worse and it would be even more heavier and causing pain to her instead. But one thing she said really put me into thinking...she just wanted me to console her, to comfort her about the problem that she is facing...just like in the past instead of just focusing on the practical solution to the problem.
Well, guess that's the problem with guys and girls. Guys see a problem and their head starts working like a machine and starts generating a solution. This is what it's called as head over heart.Girls, on the other hand, use their heart...Like comforting, consoling and saying some nice words to help lighten the situation. This, is then called heart over head.

We talked over it at her house downstairs. And my conclusion to this was that we really need to cool down. Yes, it's true that we both have different views about things, in fact who would have the same view about a certain thing? It is only when say example; person A and person B...

Person A: Hey do u think that blah blah blah is will work?
Person B: No I don't think so...i think that bleh bleh bleh will work better...
Person A: But how can that happen? half way through bleh bleh bleh will turn bad....
Person B: Ah...why not we try to blu blu's like a bit of blah and a bit of think it will work?
Person A: Not bad an idea...ok..then we shall use blu blu blu to do it...

Get what I mean? When we come together, lay all our thinking, solutions, ideas not a time to say who's idea is the best and who's idea is not realistic. It's where we see how we can improvise from one idea into something that will work out for both parties. This is never a time for critism, saying that "how can you think of such a stupid idea?" or "Have you consider that this would happen to so and so?" or "Why can't you use more of your heart to think?"

But whatever it may be, I think that it's time to stop whatever problems that we have, 'reformat' the whole relationship and start all over again like a clean relationship, no quarrels, arguements...just full of love for each other...

i jammed! @ 5/23/2007 04:54:00 PM

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Laziness to blog...haha

It's been quite some time since I last blogged eh? Yeah. Been lazy to blog recently...Computer at home is giving me problems again like I can't go into the user accounts from Control Panel. Well what can I existed for quite some time already...

Lots of things have happened over the past few's finally the 6th week of attachment and somehow I just can't wait for 4more weeks to come. But the feeling was dampened when I was told of a Project meeting on Wed which is tommorrow. The message read that the meeting was important and that if anyone doesn't turn up then he or she would be considered as not interested in Student Council anymore. This is utter childishness to me man. I really do hope that it wasn't the chairman or the excos who thought of it. haha...Then I called Desmond up to remind him that I'm on attachment till 22 June, and he said that I'm excused for the meeting.
Well to this, there's two things happening; Luckily for me there's attachment, if not my princess would be so unhappy about it that I'm going for the meeting. The second thing is, I simply can't imagine life after attachment when I'm back to school, going for all the meetings and start my commitment to Student Council. Not only that..would I be qurraelling over Student Council with my princess again? Oouchies...

But seriously, I really miss school alot. I really want to see what is Computing Maths all well as the other modules that I will be having for the next half year.'s going to be 6 soon...hopefully i'll continue at home...

i jammed! @ 5/22/2007 04:20:00 PM

Name: Gabriel a.k.a gab 22.Feb.89
Sch : ITE college East

my HONEY....
Granado Espada....
Internet movies...

Waking up at a time against free will..
Team leader of Andersen's of Denmark; Siaw Ling

gAb is dreaming of...
    owning my own set of drums..which is highlyimpossible
    resetting my screwed up life
changing wallet..

Support Singapore YOG 2010

designer : obi64
images created with adobe photoshop 5.0
also with the help of dreamweaver MX
image hoster: photobucket
brushes : missm
disc image: deviant art
various fonts: urbanfonts
stomp the yard pic: google

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